Friday, April 20, 2012


On the final countdown for school! I have been missing my blog already, but had to get three reports done that had deadlines on the 15th and today :/  Got them all done early, so thank goodness! I will be very happy when this term is done, it has been a challenge. Other good things happening...I was offered a part-time job with one of my best friends, with a very flexible schedule. I have not been away from my son, really, since he was born. A few hours here and there, but have been inseparable mostly. :)

I am going to do everything I can to get my son enrolled in Primrose near our house. I took of tour of this school on 3/3/2012 and I fell in love with the whole thing. It's clean, gorgeous, the curriculum is amazing, the owners are great, and best of all, my son had a great time touring around, too.

I am still on my road to health recovery, and have found a really great site for anyone going for the same goal. It's a really great community of people, and there is a great set of tools for managing a healthy diet. It's better than just logging food; it will actually calculate everything for you, grade your daily diet (and overall), and let you know where you are high/low in nutrients. It is really helpful and eye opening.

Other than that, just reeling over all of the information that I have been learning in school. It has really made me re-examine the way I view the world. I have acknowledged, once again, how unfair this world seems to be, and can see more clearly now how quickly we are dividing into merely two segments of class...the very few really rich and the rest of us. Having to research into things of this nature lately, I could not see any sign of this effect not taking place. What we all should have left is hope. Maybe hope alone is all we need to get things turned around.

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